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Mme LADLI Meriem |
Meriem Ladli, Cyrielle Richard, Lilia CanteroAguilar, Sarah Ducamp, YaelZermati, Sabrina Bondu, Pierre Sujobert, Jérôme Tamburini, Catherine Lacombe, Marc Foretz, Nabih Azar, Patrick Mayeux, Benoit Viollet, Frédérique Verdier. Finely-tuned regulation of AMPK is crucial for human adult erythropoiesis. haematol.2018 Oct 11, 191403.
Rozenn Riou,1,2,3 MeriemLadli,3 Sabine Gerbal-Chaloin,4 Pascale Bossard,2,3 Angélique Gougelet,1,2,3 Cécile Godard,1,2,3 Robin Loesch,1,2,3 Isabelle Lagoutte,3,5 Franck Lager,3,5 Julien Calderaro,6,7 Alexandre Dos Santos,8 Zhong Wang,9 Frédérique Verdier,3 and Sabine Colnot1,2,3. ARID1A loss in adult hepatocytes activates β-catenin-mediated erythropoietin transcription. eLife. 2020; 9: e53550.
Neveu G1,2,3,4, Dupuy F1,2,3,4, Ladli M1,2,3,4, Barbieri D1,2,3,4, Naissant B1,2,3,4, Richard C1,2,3,4, Martins RM5, Lopez-Rubio JJ5, Bachmann A6, Verdier F1,2,3,4, Lavazec C7,8,9,10. Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte-infected erythrocytes do not adhere to human primary erythroblasts. SciRep. 2018 Dec 14;8(1):17886.
Emilie-Fleur Gautier,1,2,3,* Marjorie Leduc,1,2,3,* Meriem Ladli,1,2 Vincent P. Schulz,4 Carine Lefèvre,1,2 Ismael Boussaid,1,2 Michaela Fontenay,1,2,5 Catherine Lacombe,1,2 Frédérique Verdier,1,2 François Guillonneau,1,3 Christopher D. Hillyer,6 Narla Mohandas,6 Patrick G. Gallagher,4,7,8,† and Patrick Mayeux 1,2,3,†. Comprehensive proteomic analysis of murine terminal erythroiddifferentiation.Blood Adv. 2020 Apr 14; 4(7): 1464–1477.
Pagani A, Ladli M, Verdier F, Camaschella C, Silvestri L. PACE4 (PCSK6): another proproteinconvertase link to iron homeostasis?Haematologica.2015 100(9) e380.
Pagani A, Vieillevoye M, Nai A, Rausa M, Ladli M, Lacombe C, Mayeux P, Verdier F, Camaschella C, Silvestri L. Co-derniersauteurs.Regulation of cell surface transferrin receptor-2 by iron-dependent cleavage and release of a soluble form.Haematologica. 2015 100(4):458-65.
Meriem Ladli, Cyrielle Richard, Lilia CanteroAguilar, Sarah Ducamp, YaelZermati, Sabrina Bondu, Pierre Sujobert, Jérôme Tamburini, Catherine Lacombe, Marc Foretz, Nabih Azar, Patrick Mayeux, Benoit Viollet, Frédérique Verdier. Finely-tuned regulation of AMPK is crucial for human adult erythropoiesis. haematol.2018 Oct 11, 191403.
Rozenn Riou,1,2,3 MeriemLadli,3 Sabine Gerbal-Chaloin,4 Pascale Bossard,2,3 Angélique Gougelet,1,2,3 Cécile Godard,1,2,3 Robin Loesch,1,2,3 Isabelle Lagoutte,3,5 Franck Lager,3,5 Julien Calderaro,6,7 Alexandre Dos Santos,8 Zhong Wang,9 Frédérique Verdier,3 and Sabine Colnot1,2,3. ARID1A loss in adult hepatocytes activates β-catenin-mediated erythropoietin transcription. eLife. 2020; 9: e53550.
Neveu G1,2,3,4, Dupuy F1,2,3,4, Ladli M1,2,3,4, Barbieri D1,2,3,4, Naissant B1,2,3,4, Richard C1,2,3,4, Martins RM5, Lopez-Rubio JJ5, Bachmann A6, Verdier F1,2,3,4, Lavazec C7,8,9,10. Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte-infected erythrocytes do not adhere to human primary erythroblasts. SciRep. 2018 Dec 14;8(1):17886.
Emilie-Fleur Gautier,1,2,3,* Marjorie Leduc,1,2,3,* Meriem Ladli,1,2 Vincent P. Schulz,4 Carine Lefèvre,1,2 Ismael Boussaid,1,2 Michaela Fontenay,1,2,5 Catherine Lacombe,1,2 Frédérique Verdier,1,2 François Guillonneau,1,3 Christopher D. Hillyer,6 Narla Mohandas,6 Patrick G. Gallagher,4,7,8,† and Patrick Mayeux 1,2,3,†. Comprehensive proteomic analysis of murine terminal erythroiddifferentiation.Blood Adv. 2020 Apr 14; 4(7): 1464–1477.
Pagani A, Ladli M, Verdier F, Camaschella C, Silvestri L. PACE4 (PCSK6): another proproteinconvertase link to iron homeostasis?Haematologica.2015 100(9) e380.
Pagani A, Vieillevoye M, Nai A, Rausa M, Ladli M, Lacombe C, Mayeux P, Verdier F, Camaschella C, Silvestri L. Co-derniersauteurs.Regulation of cell surface transferrin receptor-2 by iron-dependent cleavage and release of a soluble form.Haematologica. 2015 100(4):458-65.