Overview of ESSBO's Preparatory Classes Organization:

The preparatory classes at ESSBO are designed to prepare students for the school's entrance exam and to provide them with the necessary foundations in the field of biological sciences. Here is an overview of the organization of the training and the curriculum:

  1. Duration: The preparatory classes at ESSBO last for two academic years.
  2. Programs:

First year (Preparatory Classes):

  • Cellular biology
  • Animal Biology 1 (Histology)
  • Chemistry 1
  • Physics 1
  • Mathematics 1
  • Techniques of communication and expression in French 1
  • History of biological sciences
  • IT 1
  • Guided personal initiative work 1


  • Plant's biology
  • Animal Biology 2 (Embryology)
  • Chemistry 2
  • Physics 2
  • Mathematics 2
  • Techniques of communication and expression in French 2
  • Geology
  • IT 2
  • Guided personal initiative work 2

Second year (Preparatory Classes):

  • Plant physiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Zoology
  • Genetic
  • English 1
  • Biostatistics
  • Biophysics


  • Animal physiology
  • Immunology
  • Microbiology
  • Botany
  • Ecology
  • English 2
  1. Theoretical Courses: Students attend theoretical courses in all subjects of the curriculum. These courses provide a solid foundation of knowledge and concepts in various disciplines of biological sciences.
  2. Practical Work: Students participate in practical work in laboratories, where they apply the theoretical knowledge gained and develop their experimental skills. Practical work covers different disciplines such as cell biology, biochemistry, microbiology, animal and plant physiology, etc.
  3. Regular Evaluations: Regular assessments are organized to evaluate students' progress and prepare them for the entrance exam to the Second Cycle for non-selected students based on ranking.
  4. Pedagogical Support (tutoring): Students benefit from individualized pedagogical support and guidance from teachers to help them overcome difficulties and improve their academic performance.
  5. Exam Preparation: Throughout the two years of preparatory classes, students are specifically prepared for the entrance exam to ESSBO. Preparation sessions and guidance are provided to help them optimize their preparation.