The University-Business Liaison Office (BLEU) of ESSBO is part of External Relations Department. Its main objective is to foster collaboration and exchange between higher education and research’s world and the professional world, in order to promote the employability of students and the co-creation of innovation within the school and its partner companies.

Areas of Intervention

The BLEU acts in order to:

  • Explore potential partnerships: The ESSBO BLEU seeks out companies in the region, identifies their needs, and connects them with the school's skills and expertise. This is manifested through cooperation agreements, organization of joint meetings and events, and creation of exchange programs.
  • Promote the professional integration of students: The ESSBO BLEU advises students in their search for internships and future jobs by offering them internship opportunities, organizing forums and workshops on job preparation (CV, interviews), and implementing tutoring programs.
  • Promote research and innovation: The ESSBO BLEU facilitates collaboration between the ESSBO's researchers and companies for research, training, and innovation projects initiation. It also has the ability to promote the transfer of technologies to the private sector.

Impact of the BLEU

The BLEU's action contributes at several levels:

  • For students: The BLEU allows students to develop their professional skills and familiarize themselves with the expectations of the labor market, increasing their employability.
  • For ESSBO: The BLEU strengthens the ESSBO's visibility among industrial actors, valuing its role in training, research, and the dissemination of knowledge.
  • For companies: The BLEU offers companies privileged access to the resources and expertise present within the ESSBO school.