The second cycle training at the Higher School of Biological Sciences of Oran, through its specializations: Molecular Biology, Enzyme Engineering, and Immunotechnology, is primarily a high-level academic program aimed at training executives in the fields of research or research and development departments, both in the public sector and private enterprises.
With the knowledge and skills acquired and mastered during their training, students can easily integrate into medical analysis and/or quality control laboratories. This will help address the lack of proficiency in biotechnology, molecular biology, and immunotechnology tools in various quality control, analysis and diagnostic structures.
In the applied domain, trained students can join any biotechnology, agro-food, detergent, or biological material production company. They can also easily integrate into diagnostic support research centers, biotechnology, green chemistry, proteomics, and other research centers or laboratories handling antibodies, antigens, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Moreover, the skills and expertise developed during their studies ideally prepare them to launch and manage startups in innovative fields, thus stimulating entrepreneurship and technological innovation.
Finally, students can pursue postgraduate training (doctorate), enabling them to be recruited as researchers or teacher-researchers in the public sector (universities, research centers, etc.) or to equivalent positions in private sector companies.